Tuesday, January 3, 2017

November Church Services

In November, our scout group supported the church in their annual remembrance and shoe box appeal service. This year, unlike others, both services were on the same day so we attended both. The shoe box appeal was very good and the amount of shoe boxes collected was amazing. Approximately there were over 150 boxes altogether and a good deal were donated by the scout group. The remembrance service was also interesting with some boys from boys brigade doing readings.

The scouts with all the shoe boxes.
These are all the boxes that were collected.

After both the services, we had lunch then set off down town street to the cenotaph. When we reached the cenotaph we were placed in positions and waited for the ceremony to begin. The Vicar led the service along with some other councillors. When it was time to lay the wreath Hannah had to get ready and join the line of people laying wreaths. Some representatives from the church were there along with a representative from guides and cadets. Other people were there laying their wreaths. 
This was during the service.
This was after the service.

All the wreaths laid.

The scouting wreath

Hannah, who laid the wreath.

All the scouts, cubs and beavers who participated in the ceremonies.

The cenotaph

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